Wire fraud is a federal crime that carries severe penalties, including significant prison time and fines. If you’ve been accused of wire fraud, it’s in your best interest to immediately secure the services of an experienced federal wire fraud defense lawyer. They will help you understand your legal rights and guide you through the complex legal process.
Contact Keith Oliver Criminal Law for a free case review. We’ll outline your legal options and discuss the next steps in creating a robust defense for you.
What Is Wire Fraud?
Fraud is a misrepresentation, either by providing false statements or intentionally withholding vital information, intended to obtain something from the victim that they otherwise wouldn’t have provided. In most cases, it involves an effort to gain money.
Wire fraud is a specific category of fraud that occurs through telecommunications channels, including the internet. Groups and individuals can commit wire fraud via phone, text message, fax, email, social media, and other methods.
A typical example of wire fraud is the email scam in which the targeted individual is persuaded to provide their financial information in exchange for a reward that never comes.
Federal Laws Regarding Wire Fraud
The federal wire fraud statute identifies four key elements of wire fraud on the part of the wrongdoer (the defendant):
- They voluntarily and intentionally devised or took part in a plan to defraud another party out of money
- They did so with the intent to defraud
- They could have reasonably foreseen that interstate wire communications would be used in the plan
- They used interstate wire communications to carry out the plan
The first of these elements hints at another facet of wire fraud: wire fraud conspiracy. What is wire fraud conspiracy? According to federal law, a wire fraud case rises to the level of conspiracy when two or more parties participate in a wire fraud scheme by agreeing to commit wire fraud and taking overt action toward carrying out the scheme.
Potential Consequences of Wire Fraud Conviction
Wire fraud committed by individuals carries a penalty of up to 20 years in prison, up to $250,000 in fines, or both. Defrauding a financial institution or engaging in wire fraud to obtain benefits during a federally declared emergency or disaster carries penalties of up to 30 years in prison, up to $1 million in fines, or both.
Individuals who attempt to commit wire fraud through email marketing or telemarketing face an additional five years in prison or an additional ten years if their target was 55 or older.
It’s important to note that the intent to defraud is sufficient grounds for a person to be convicted of wire fraud — the scheme does not have to be successful.
Defense Strategies for Wire Fraud Charges
Your wire fraud lawyer’s job is to build the best possible strategy for defending you against federal wire fraud charges. There are several potential strategies your lawyer might use.
One option is to argue that you weren’t aware of the fraud scheme. While you may have acted at the direction of someone involved in the scheme, your attorney may argue that you were unaware of any scheme to defraud and acted without ill intent.
Another possible strategy is to argue that telecommunications weren’t actually used to carry out the fraudulent activity and, therefore, you shouldn’t have been charged with wire fraud.
Your federal wire fraud defense lawyer will review the details of your case to assemble the best possible defense strategy.
Keith Oliver’s Experience in Wire Fraud Cases
The federal agencies investigating wire fraud have the resources to build strong cases. If you’re under investigation, you need a wire fraud lawyer with experience defending clients against federal charges.
Keith Oliver Criminal Law has an extensive background in criminal defense and has successfully handled cases for clients facing federal criminal charges, including wire fraud. Even if you haven’t been charged yet, we’re prepared to begin working on your defense immediately. Our team stands ready to fight for your rights and your freedom.
The Legal Process: From Charges to Trial
When you’re facing federal criminal charges, your freedom is at stake. The legal process is complex; you need an attorney with the knowledge and experience to take on every aspect of your defense. As Keith Oliver Criminal Law handles each stage of your case, we can handle the following:
- Help you understand the charges against you and what penalties they carry
- Investigate your case and develop a defense strategy
- Protect your rights during the federal investigation
- Argue for reduced or dropped charges
- Negotiate a plea agreement to secure reduced penalties as appropriate
- Represent you in court and argue your case at trial
We understand the severity of the charges you face and will be with you every step of the way. Everything we do will serve your best interest.
What To Do if Accused of Wire Fraud
If you’ve been accused of wire fraud, every action you take has a bearing on your case. Take care not to jeopardize your case or put your freedom at risk. Remember that if the federal government has sent you a target letter or charged you with a crime, they likely have strong evidence in their favor. If you receive a target letter, bring it to your attorney immediately. They will help you understand the nature of the investigation and how it impacts you.
It’s crucial that you not open yourself up to additional risk. Don’t hide or destroy evidence, as this could bring additional charges against you. Just as risky is discussing the case with anyone other than your attorney. Speaking with other defendants or even your close family and friends about the case could come back to haunt you if they’re called to testify in court.
Most importantly, reach out to a wire fraud lawyer right away. It’s your best hope for safeguarding your rights and preserving your freedom.
Contact Our New Jersey Wire Fraud Defense Attorney
If you’re facing wire fraud charges, contact a federal wire fraud defense lawyer at Keith Oliver Criminal Law for a free consultation. Our conversation will be strictly confidential, and we’ll review the details of your case and determine the best approach for handling your legal situation. Reach out 24/7 online or by phone to get started.