Year: 2025

How Aggravated Sexual Assault Charges Are Affected by the Age of the Victim

Aggravated sexual assault is one of the most serious criminal charges in the New Jersey criminal justice system, but a charge of aggravated sexual assault of a child can result in even more severe penalties. The age of the victim … Continue reading

Sex Offender Registration Appeal Process

New Jersey’s sex offender registration system requires sex offenders to register with law enforcement for the rest of their lives. However, the sex offender registry laws allow sex offenders to appeal their classification or registration obligations under specific circumstances. Who … Continue reading

The Use of Plea Bargains in Cocaine Possession Cases

If you face charges of cocaine possession, working with a New Jersey drug possession lawyer to negotiate a plea bargain with the prosecution may give you an avenue to pursue a more favorable resolution to your charges than taking your … Continue reading

Can Juveniles Be Tried as Adults for Aggravated Assault in NJ

When a person under 18 commits a crime in New Jersey, they typically go through the juvenile justice system instead of the adult justice system. The juvenile system has more lenient punishments and focuses on rehabilitation rather than punitive aims. … Continue reading

Cocaine Possession in a Vehicle Legal Consequences and Defenses

Police conducting a traffic stop will sometimes decide to search the vehicle if they develop a suspicion that it contains drugs like cocaine. If their suspicions are correct, the vehicle’s occupants may face charges ranging from simple possession of a … Continue reading