Author: Keith Oliver Criminal Law

Clinton NJ Disorderly Persons Charge Lawyer

Need an Attorney for Disorderly Persons Charge in Clinton Clinton Township is one of the largest municipalities in Hunterdon County, covering more than 33 square miles in the northeastern region of the county. Although it is one of the larger … Continue reading

gavel and flag

Wondering if You Should to Talk to Police if NJ? Be Informed. Just driving down the road and passing a police officer can bring out some level of nervousness. Was I speeding? Did I use by blinker? Was my cellphone … Continue reading

gavel and legal books

Can Anyone Obtain a Restraining Order in NJ? No, in order to be able to obtain a temporary restraining order in Monmouth County, the “victim” in the matter, which is more commonly referred to as the “plaintiff”, must satisfy two … Continue reading

2nd Degree Felony Lawyer in Somerset County

Facing a 2nd Degree Felony in Somerset County NJ Just how serious are second-degree indictable offenses in New Jersey? For starters, the potential term of incarceration for a second-degree felony is anywhere between five to ten years and the fine … Continue reading

abuse charges

Sexual Assault Charges Filed in Monmouth County The Monmouth County Prosecutor’s Office has announced that they have arrested and charged two brothers from Asbury Park with among other things, sexual assault stemming from an incident that dates back to the … Continue reading

criminal law

Keith Oliver Criminal Law, was retained to represent an individual who, when reentering the United States through JFK Airport following a two month vacation in Pakistan, his native Country, was taken into custody on what he learned first time was … Continue reading

Restraining Order Attorney in Robbinsville NJ

Keith Oliver Criminal Law was able to secure another dismissal of a Temporary Restraining Order (TRO) for one of their clients last week. Our client was served with a TRO following an alleged domestic dispute between his ex-wife. The incident … Continue reading


Eatontown Company Latest Victim Internet Driven Scam The Monmouth County Prosecutor’s Office announced last week that they have arrested and charged a twenty-seven (27) year old male from Lawrenceville, Georgia with several theft related offenses. Following a lengthy investigation, it … Continue reading

Felony Defense Attorneys in Somerville NJ

Charged with a 4th Degree Felony in Somerset County? Have you been placed under arrest and charged with a fourth degree indictable offense in Somerset or Hunterdon County? Was it for the Possession of Marijuana over 50 grams? Aggravated Assault? … Continue reading

empty courtroom

Wall Twp. Man Facing Endangering the Welfare of a Child Charges Following Sting According to Monmouth County Prosecutor Christopher J. Gramiccioni, a forty (40) year old male from Wall Township was arrested and formally charged with one count of endangering … Continue reading