Author: Keith Oliver Criminal Law

Need a Lawyer for Central Judicial Processing Hearing in Somerset County? Anyone arrested and charged with an indictable offense (felony) in Somerset or Hunterdon County will receive a Central Judicial Processing date. This is considered the Defendant’s first initial appearance, … Continue reading
One of the most common statements we hear from potential new clients is “Am I really facing jail time” … “But it is my first offense” … “Isn’t there some program I can take advantage of”. In short, yes there … Continue reading

Charged with Harassment in Bridgewater, New Jersey? Have you been charged with harassment? Cyber-harassment? If so, you are not alone. These types of allegations have become one of the more common offenses we see litigated in courts throughout New Jersey, … Continue reading

Were you caught driving while suspended in Monmouth County? Was an accident involved? Was someone killed as a result of the accident? If so, things can quickly go from bad to worse in a split second. Courts take driving while … Continue reading

A twenty-four year old Trenton native reached his boiling point last week and attempted to take the law into his own hands. According to the Trentonian, the Defendant fired a paintball gun at a suspected drug addict, that he alleged … Continue reading

Keith Oliver Criminal Law was able to secure yet another dismissal of serious felony charges for one of their clients. This time, our client was arrested and charged with aggravated assault in the third degree and theft of moveable property in the third degree following … Continue reading

Manalapan NJ Gun Charge Lawyer A welfare check in Manalapan leads to a local teenager being arrested and charged with various indictable offenses, including unlawful possession of a weapon. It is unclear at this point in time what spawned the welfare check … Continue reading

By far one of the most common acts of domestic violence is harassment, which includes cyber harassment. These two charges can and more often than not, lead to an individual being saddled with a temporary restraining order on top of the criminal … Continue reading

Heroin Possession Charges Issued in Hunterdon County, NJ Heroin charges, whether it be the simple possession or possession with intent or actual distribution have been a frequent mainstay for law enforcement in New Jersey for more than a decade now and it … Continue reading

Over the last half of decade or so, law enforcement throughout the State, including in Mercer County has been aggressively investigating those seeking inappropriate relationships with children. The internet, more specifically, social media websites have become a major focus of … Continue reading