Author: Keith Oliver Criminal Law

Holmdel NJ Simple Assault Lawyer

A forty-year old male from Middletown was placed under arrest and formally charged in the Township of Holmdel with simple assault last week following what authorities are calling a classic road rage case. The incident took place in the Township of … Continue reading

Mercer County NJ Gun Charge Attorney

At Keith Oliver Criminal Law, we tend to get a lot of questions with regard to an unlawful possession of a weapon charge, especially when they involve a lawfully purchased and owned firearm from another state. New Jersey as a whole but especially … Continue reading

Somerville NJ Drug Distribution Charges

Heroin, Cocaine, Meth & Gun Distribution Ring in NJ The Somerset County Prosecutor’s Office announced earlier this week that they have arrested and charged twenty people with various weapons and drug related offenses. These charges stem from a five month … Continue reading

Mercer County NJ Crack Cocaine Distribution Lawyer

Our firm just finished up representing a Defendant that was arrested and charged the possession of crack cocaine with the intent to distribute and the possession of heroin with the intent to distribute. The charges stemmed from what we quickly determined … Continue reading

Franklin NJ Robbery Lawyer

A Franklin Township police sergeant was arrested last week following a bizarre string of events. The Defendant, who is a part time firearms retailer and trainer as well, was arrested and charged with numerous felony offenses in his hometown of Southampton. The … Continue reading

Another act of domestic violence was reported in the City of Trenton late last week. This time, the Defendant, a twenty-two year old male, is alleged to have broken into the mother of his child’s home, which is located on Prospect Street. While … Continue reading

Vehicular Homicide Lawyer in New Jersey

Things go from bad to worse for a Long Branch police officer, who was formally charged this week with among other things, vehicular homicide and driving while intoxicated. The charges stem from an incident that took place back on September 22, … Continue reading

A month long investigation by the Mercer County Narcotics Task Force leads to two individual being arrested and charged with the possession of cocaine with the intent to distribute in the first degree. Based on the information reported by the Trentonian, … Continue reading

Local Hazlet NJ Burglary Attorneys

Burglary & Eluding Charges Issued in Monmouth County NJ A wild chain of events ends in with a Little Egg Harbor resident being charged with among other things, a slew of burglary and receiving stolen property charges. According to, … Continue reading

Do the Police Need a Warrant to Search my Car?

For years now the New Jersey Supreme Court has gone back and forth on the issue of whether a police officer is permitted to conduct a warrantless search of a motor vehicle based on probable cause alone. For the better part of … Continue reading