Category: Assault & Threat Crimes

Client Gains Entry into PTI on 2nd Degree Eluding Charges in Freehold Keith G. Oliver of Keith Oliver Criminal Law was able to convince the State to allow their client to gain entry into the Pretrial Intervention Program on second … Continue reading

Terroristic Threat Indictment Dismissed after Successful Motion to Dismiss Indictment in NJ Keith G. Oliver of Keith Oliver Criminal Law was able secure another dismissal of an indictment for one of his clients last week. Our client was charged way … Continue reading

My Child is Facing a Drug Charge in Freehold, New Jersey Has your child been arrested and charged with a drug crime in Monmouth County? If so, it is imperative that you understand your options. New Jersey as a whole … Continue reading

Understanding NERA Mandatory Minimum Sentencing in Monmouth County NJ The type of sentences imposed in New Jersey can vary drastically. Typically speaking, an individual sentenced to a term of incarceration will have what has been referred to as a “flat … Continue reading

Accused of Strangulation in Monmouth County Over the last decade, domestic violence allegations as a whole have been the center of a lot of attention of the legislature in New Jersey. Regardless of whether the allegations were of an assault, stalking, harassment, cyber-harassment or terroristic … Continue reading

Are DUI’s Considered Criminal Offenses in NJ? Under New Jersey law, driving while intoxicated (DWI) offenses are categorized as traffic offenses. In other words, anyone convicted of a DWI in New Jersey will not be scarred with a permanent criminal record. This … Continue reading

What to Expect when Charged with a Bar Fight at the Shore Arrested for a bar fight at the Jersey Shore? DJAIS? Bar Anticipation? Osprey? Donovan’s? If so, you are not alone. Bar fights have been around forever, at the … Continue reading

Need Local Jersey Shore Criminal Lawyer Arrested while vacationing at the Jersey Shore? Enjoying fun in the sun or the nightlife before you were charged with a crime? Was it for possession of a fake id? Underage Drinking? Driving while intoxicated? Assault? Disorderly … Continue reading

Charged with Disorderly Conduct in New Jersey? Being charged with a criminal offense can be overwhelming. The unknowns can be terrifying. That is why it is absolutely crucial to fully understand the nature of the charges and the potential penalties … Continue reading

Have you Been Arrested for a Drug Offense in Somerset County? As one would imagine, not all drug related offenses are treated the same in New Jersey. First and foremost, it is important to discuss that in New Jersey, a … Continue reading