Category: Criminal Case Issues

Arrested Following Traffic Stop in Somerset County NJ All too often we see what can only be classified as a routine traffic stop turn into serious felony charges being levied against one of the occupants. When this occurs the individual … Continue reading

How Social Media Can Lead to Criminal Charges in NJ The rise of social media over the last decade has been extremely impactful to say the least on the way in which our society operates. Social media sites like Instagram, … Continue reading

What to do about Criminal and Motor Vehicle Charges after being Pulled over in NJ A significant number of criminal cases in New Jersey stem from what can only be classified as a routine traffic stop. The vast majority of the … Continue reading

Need Lawyer for a Criminal Case in Somerset County Being investigated, let alone being charged with a criminal offense can be downright terrifying. Not understanding all your options can only add to an already stressful situation. Regardless of the situation … Continue reading

Summoned to Appear in Criminal Court in Monmouth County, New Jersey Anyone arrested and charged with a criminal or traffic offense, including driving while intoxicated in New Jersey, must appear in open court to answer for the charges. At first … Continue reading

Criminal Case Attorneys in Monmouth County The criminal justice process can seem like a long, intimidating, uncharted road fraught with opportunities for a wrong turn or issue that creates problems for the rest of your life. When you get involved … Continue reading

Contacted by a Detective in Monmouth County, NJ? Have you been contacted by a detective in Monmouth County or elsewhere in New Jersey? Asked to come down to the precinct and speak to them one-on-one? If so, you are not … Continue reading