Category: Criminal Defense

Criminal record expungement document

Are you looking for options to clear your criminal record? Expungements and pardons are two different post-conviction processes that may help someone convicted of an offense regain their rights and avoid the discrimination that often comes with a criminal record. … Continue reading

Indictment word being underlined

Even if you are arrested for a felony, called an indictable offense in New Jersey, you may not end up being formally charged with the crime. First, your case must go before the grand jury. The grand jury is a panel … Continue reading

woman being asked by a police officer

You might not be immediately aware if you are being investigated for a crime since there’s no list or database to check. However, other signs might suggest you are being investigated for a crime. The criminal defense attorneys at Keith … Continue reading


A statute of limitations sets a time limit for the government to file criminal charges. This law protects defendants from unfair and unreasonable prosecutions when evidence in a case has disappeared or deteriorated. A case against a defendant may be … Continue reading

sandy hook beach

Have you Been Arrested and Charged with a Crime at Sandy Hook NJ? First and foremost, even though the seven mile sand barrier just off the coast of New Jersey known as Sandy Hook is surrounded by towns like Highlands, … Continue reading

gavel with law books

Need Local Jersey Shore Criminal Lawyer Arrested while vacationing at the Jersey Shore? Enjoying fun in the sun or the nightlife before you were charged with a crime? Was it for possession of a fake id? Underage Drinking? Driving while intoxicated? Assault? Disorderly … Continue reading

attorney at desk

Endangering Welfare of a Child Charges Issued in Hazlet Township According to the, an investigation into allegations about an employee of Sam’s 2, a convenience store in Hazlet Township, ended with the employee being charged with serious felony offenses … Continue reading

neptune township

Drug Charges Filed in Neptune Township NJ According to the Asbury Park Press, the Neptune Township Police Department executed a search warrant on a home in Ocean Grove, which is a section of Neptune on Friday and it uncovered a … Continue reading

empty courtroom

Wall Twp. Man Facing Endangering the Welfare of a Child Charges Following Sting According to Monmouth County Prosecutor Christopher J. Gramiccioni, a forty (40) year old male from Wall Township was arrested and formally charged with one count of endangering … Continue reading

Officer Arresting Young Man

Charged with a Crime? Will They Take Me To Jail? Anyone arrested and charged with a criminal offense in New Jersey after January of 2017 will now be subject to what is known as “Bail Reform”. Under this new system, … Continue reading