Category: Eluding Charges

Eluding on Foot vs Vehicle Legal Differences

In New Jersey, it’s a crime to flee from a police officer attempting to make an apprehension. However, eluding a police officer on foot versus eluding in a vehicle can have drastic legal differences for a defendant’s case. Defining Eluding … Continue reading

Charged with Fleeing or Attempting to Elude a Police Officer in Freehold, New Jersey

Have you been charged with fleeing or attempting to elude a police officer in Freehold, NJ? This is a serious criminal offense, and a conviction can result in significant criminal penalties. Anyone facing these charges will likely feel overwhelmed by … Continue reading

Mercer County NJ Eluding Police Defense Attorney

A high speed chase through the City of Trenton ends with the Defendant being taken to the Capital Health Regional Medical Center after crashing into a divider near Route 1. Trenton NJ Man Charged with Eluding & Resisting Arrest The Defendant, a … Continue reading