Category: Felony Criminal Charges

Charged with a 4th Degree Felony in Somerset County? Have you been placed under arrest and charged with a fourth degree indictable offense in Somerset or Hunterdon County? Was it for the Possession of Marijuana over 50 grams? Aggravated Assault? … Continue reading

Need a Lawyer for 3rd Degree Indictable Offense in Somerville NJ Have you been charged with a third degree indictable offense in Somerset or Hunterdon County? If so, we strongly urge that you speak to an experienced criminal defense attorney … Continue reading

Need a Lawyer for 4th Degree Felony in Monmouth County? Have you been charged with a fourth degree indictable offense in New Jersey? Was it for Stalking? Possession of Marijuana? Assault by Auto? Violation of a Restraining Order? Shoplifting? If so, we … Continue reading