Category: Gun Charges

New Jersey has some of the country’s strictest gun laws, so it’s critical for visitors to understand their rights and restrictions on firearm possession in the state. Here’s what you need to know if you’re an out-of-state visitor wishing to … Continue reading

New Jersey has some of the strictest gun control laws in the United States. One of the most important is the Graves Act, which sets mandatory minimum sentences for many gun-related offenses. Consequently, defendants convicted of offenses under the Graves … Continue reading

In New Jersey, you need a permit to purchase and possess a firearm. Because New Jersey has some of the most restrictive firearms laws in the United States, you should know whether you might be disqualified from owning a gun … Continue reading

It is well known by now that New Jersey takes gun offenses very seriously and that the ramifications for anyone accused of unlawfully possessing a firearm can be unforgiving. The potential penalties include not only a mandatory term of incarceration … Continue reading

A traffic stop in the City of Trenton leads to the driver being arrested and charged with unlawful possession of a weapon as well as various minor drug offenses. Gun Possession Charges Issued in Trenton NJ What on its face appeared to be a routine … Continue reading

The City of Trenton Police Department was able to take yet another gun of the streets last week after a pursuit ensued following a routine traffic stop. According to the information that has been released thus far, the officers were simply conducting a routine … Continue reading

At Keith Oliver Criminal Law, we tend to get a lot of questions with regard to an unlawful possession of a weapon charge, especially when they involve a lawfully purchased and owned firearm from another state. New Jersey as a whole but especially … Continue reading

Trenton Teenager Arrested on a Loaded Handgun Charge An eighteen year old male from Trenton, New Jersey was arrested earlier this week following what has reported was an unanimous tip. According to the information that has been released, Trenton … Continue reading

Armed Robbery Lawyers in Mercer County NJ The Hightstown Police Department is searching for the suspect alleged to have robbed a liquor store around 5pm yesterday. According to the information released at this point in time, the suspect entered the … Continue reading

Mr. Oliver, one of the firms founding partners, represented a client that was arrested and charged with among other things possession of a handgun and possession of hallow point bullets. The charges stemmed from a motor vehicle stop where it … Continue reading