Category: Juvenile Criminal Offenses

One of the biggest worries for families of juveniles arrested on carjacking charges in New Jersey is the possibility of prosecution in adult criminal court. Although New Jersey has juvenile courts designed for juveniles who commit criminal offenses, does a … Continue reading

Rates of identity fraud have increased in recent years as people move more of their lives online. What is identity fraud? Identity fraud occurs when a person assumes someone else’s identity or adopts a false identity to obtain a benefit … Continue reading

Juvenile Shoplifting Lawyer Near Freehold New Jersey By far one of the more common juvenile criminal charges that we see being issued in Monmouth County is shoplifting. Even though shoplifting is considered a hybrid offense (i.e. Felony or Misdemeanor) in … Continue reading

My Child is Facing a Drug Charge in Freehold, New Jersey Has your child been arrested and charged with a drug crime in Monmouth County? If so, it is imperative that you understand your options. New Jersey as a whole … Continue reading

Need to Obtain a Deferred Disposition in Monmouth County NJ Emotions are always going to run wild when a juvenile is “taken into custody” and “charged as a delinquent.” If this occurs to a loved one, it is imperative that … Continue reading

The Process of a New Jersey Juvenile Delinquency Case Emotions always run wild when a loved one is charged with a criminal offense but when that loved one is a juvenile, the emotions can be overwhelming. Once a juvenile is … Continue reading

Juvenile Lawyer Handling Juvenile Conference Committee Hearings in Monmouth County, NJ Any juvenile charged as a delinquent, which is another way of saying charged with a crime, could have their case diverted from the traditional court room proceedings. One of … Continue reading

What Takes Place at a Juvenile Referee Hearing in Monmouth County The Juvenile Criminal Justice System functions completely different than the Adult Criminal Justice System in New Jersey. In fact, there are more differences than similarities. When it comes to … Continue reading

Can a Juvenile be Prosecuted as an Adult in NJ? The New Jersey criminal justice systems allows the prosecution to seek a waiver of jurisdiction of a juvenile delinquency case. Typically speaking, the prosecution would be seeking to waive up the … Continue reading

In New Jersey, when an adult is charged with a criminal offense, the degree of the offense in question will dictate where the charges are ultimately litigated. For example, all disorderly persons offenses, like simple assault, will be litigated in the … Continue reading