It has been reported that their was another major heroin bust by detectives from the Mercer County Prosecutor’s Officer this week. According to nj.com, detectives from the Mercer County Prosecutor’s Office, the Hamilton Police Department and the Trenton Police Department concluded what they are claiming was a month long investigation into yet another major heroin trafficking scheme. The Defendant, a twenty-six year old male from Trenton, was arriving back at his home on Race Street when he was approached by several officers. When the Defendant noticed the officers, he immediately fled the scene and a brief chase began. Officers are claiming that during the chase the Defendant discard a bag that he was holding into a neighbors yard. The Defendant was quickly apprehended following the brief chase. A subsequent search of the Defendant’s home turned up about $17,500 in cash and 441 bricks of heroin. The heroin in question has an estimated street value of just under $90,000.
Trenton NJ Man Charged with Distributing Heroin
As a result of their findings, the Defendant was taken to the Mercer County Correctional Center where he is currently being detained. At this point in time it appears that the Mercer Count prosecutor’s office will be filling for what is known as a Detention Hearing. During that hearing the prosecution will be seeking to prove that in order to protect society and assure the Defendant will appear in court, that he must be held in the Mercer County Jail, without bail, pending trial. It is unclear at this point in time what exactly the Defendant is charged with but it appears that he will be charged with possession of heroin with the intent to distribute in the second degree and resisting arrest in the third degree. The possession of heroin with the intent to distribute in the second degree is the most serious charge. A second degree felony offense is punishable by up to ten (10) years in a state prison and a fine up to $35,000. For more information on heroin distribution charges in Mercer County, please checkout our heroin practice series.
Trenton NJ Heroin Distribution Lawyers
Being accused of a crime like the distribution of heroin is not something to take lightly. This is a very serious offense, one that New Jersey as a whole, but more importantly, Mercer County has been aggressively investigating and prosecuting over the years. Anyone alleged to have been distributing heroin or possessing heroin with the intent to distribute in Mercer County tends to be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. The heroin epidemic that has been sweeping through this state for the better part of the last decade does not seem to be slowing down. As a result, law enforcement has really ramped up their efforts to not only arrest those accused of selling heroin but those accused of possessing it as well. For more information on heroin possession charges in Trenton, please click the link. If you would like to set up a free initial consultation with one of our Mercer County criminal defense attorneys, then please contact us at 609-789-0779.