Criminal Defense Attorneys in Marlboro, NJ
Keith Oliver Criminal Law is an experienced Monmouth County criminal defense firm who represents clients charged with criminal and traffic offenses, including DWI in the Marlboro Municipal Court. The Marlboro Municipal Court is located at 1979 Township Drive and it is open from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. The judge for the Marlboro Municipal Court is James M. Newman, P.J.M.C., he is also the presiding municipal court judge for all of Monmouth County. This court has jurisdiction over all disorderly persons, petty disorderly persons, township ordinances, traffic offenses and indictable (felony) remanded offenses that arise within the township. If you have been charged with a criminal offense like shoplifting, possession of marijuana under 50 grams, DWI, harassment, stalking, aggravated assault or drug possession in Marlboro it is imperative that you speak to a criminal defense attorney who routinely appears in the Marlboro Municipal Court. Mr. Oliver, one of the firms founding partners, has been representing clients in the Marlboro Municipal Court for years now. We fully understand that these can be extremely stressful times and as such we try to make ourselves available around the clock for consultations. If you would like to speak to one of the Marlboro criminal defense attorneys on our team please contact us at 732.858.6959. As always, our initial consultations are always free. For more information on the Marlboro Municipal Court please see below.
Marlboro Municipal Court Contact Info
1979 Township Drive, Marlboro New Jersey 07746
Court Schedule:
9:00 a.m. for First Appearances
10:30 a.m. for Attorney Represented Cases
12:30 p.m. for Pro-Se Cases
Hours of Operation:
8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Phone Number:
General Information – 732.536.0200 Fax- 732.591.0608
Chief Judge:
Honorable James M. Newman P.J.M.C.
Patrick Menna Esq.
Court Administrator:
Irene Moore, C.M.C.A.
Info on Marlboro Township, New Jersey
Marlboro Township is located in the northwest section of Monmouth County. It is a rather large town as it covers just over 30 square miles and has a population of over 40,000. It is bordered by the following Monmouth County towns, Aberdeen, Colts Neck, Freehold Township, Holmdel, Manalapan and Matawan. It is also bordered by Old Bridge, which is a township in Middlesex County. Although major highways like the New Jersey Turnpike and Garden State Parkway do not run through Marlboro, they are directly connected to roadways like Route 18, Route 9 and County Road 520 which do run right through Marlboro. For more information on Marlboro Township please click the previous link.
Marlboro Municipal Court Defense Lawyers
Crimes heard in the Marlboro Municipal Court could be punishable by up to six (6) months in the Monmouth County Jail and a fine up to $1,000. As you can see, these offenses should not be taken lightly. If you have been charged with possession of marijuana, shoplifting, harassment, disorderly conduct, theft, receiving stolen property or DWI, leaving the scene of an accident or driving while suspended in Marlboro, the Keith Oliver Criminal Law can help. If you would like to come into our office for a free initial consultation then please contact us directly at 732.858.6959. Do not let a simple mistake ruin your life.