Monmouth County NJ Prostitution Defense Attorneys
Prostitution has been going on since the the beginning of times. The only thing that has changed over the years is the way in which individuals solicit prostitution. The days of “ hanging out on a street corner” are long gone. Just like everything else in the 21st century, soliciting prostitution has become a purely internet-driven market. Anyone now looking to solicit a prostitute nowadays will just go to the web and search websites like Craigslist, Backpage and Whatsyourprice. This shift in “advertising” obviously made things a little bit safer as it was well known that the local law enforcement would be out patrolling certain streets and conducting stings. But just like anything in this world, law enforcement has caught on and the stings have become more common in towns throughout Monmouth County including, Tinton Falls, Eatontown, Neptune, Long Branch, Asbury Park, Freehold and Keansburg. Police departments throughout the county are now conducting stings by setting up fictitious ads on these websites and arresting anyone that they convince to meet up with them.
Soliciting prostitution is a disorderly persons offense in New Jersey and as you will see below, the penalties include not only high fines but the potential for incarceration as well. If you have been charged with soliciting prostitution, trespassing, disorderly conduct, possession of marijuana, possession of heroin or any other offense for that matter in Monmouth County, we can help. Our attorneys have been serving all of Monmouth County, including towns like Tinton Falls, Holmdel, Middletown, Howell, Ocean Township, West Long Branch, Neptune City, Belmar and Manalapan for years now. Soliciting prostitution is a serious criminal offense in New Jersey and one that should not be taken lightly. To speak with one of our Monmouth County criminal defense lawyers today about your options please contact us at (732)858-6959. We try to make ourselves available as close to 24/7 as possible, as we are well aware that this offenses, like most others, can happen at any hour of the day.
Tinton Falls NJ Prostitution Lawyers
Can I be Charged with Prostitution in NJ?
The offense of soliciting prostitution is governed by NJSA 2C:34-1. Pursuant to the statute, prostitution has been defined as “engaging in sexual activity with another person in exchange for something of economic value, or the offer or acceptance of an offer to engage in sexual activity in exchange for something of economic value”. So what is important to note here is that in money, more specifically cash, is not required in order to prove prostitution. So, for example if a Defendant offers narcotics or alcohol in return for a sexual act, they can be charged with soliciting prostitution. In addition, the use of code words and phrases in an effort to avoid the specific mention of money will not be considered a valid defense. The courts will look to the totality of circumstances surrounding the “discussion” and be able to draw a conclusion based on what is known as circumstantial evidence about the actual conversation meant.
What is the Sentence for Soliciting Prostitution in NJ?
Soliciting prostitution is the lowest level “prostitution” offense in New Jersey. With that being said, it is still a disorderly persons offense, which is New Jersey’s version of a misdemeanor. So, if convicted of soliciting prostitution New Jersey, a Defendant will be scarred with a permanent criminal record. In addition, they will be facing up to six months in jail, a $1,000 fine and most likely a no trespassing order will be entered against the Defendant for the facility in which the act was supposed to take place (i.e. motel).
This charge is also enhanceable offense in New Jersey. Meaning that every second or subsequent conviction the degree of the charge will increase. A Defendant convicted for a second or third of soliciting prostitution will be facing a fourth degree felony offense. Furthermore, a Defendant convicted of a fourth or subsequent time will be facing a third degree felony. Outside of the obvious fact that the Defendant is now facing a felony offense, the potential penalties skyrocket, a fourth degree felony is punishable by up to eighteen months in a State Prison and a $10,000 fine and third degree felony is punishable by up to five years in a State Prison and a $15,000 fine.
Prostitution Lawyers in Eatontown NJ
Whether you have been charged with soliciting prostitution, promoting prostitution, trespassing, burglary, possession of cocaine or endangering the welfare of a child in Monmouth County, the Keith Oliver Criminal Law can help. Our attorneys have been defending clients accused of criminal offenses in towns throughout the county for almost a decade now. We often appear in the Middletown Municipal Court, the Tinton Falls Municipal Court, the Eatontown Municipal Court, the Asbury Park Municipal Court, Long Branch Municipal Court and the Ocean Township Municipal Court. If you would like to come into our office, which is located directly across the street from the Middletown Municipal Court at 18 Kings Highway, Suite 109 then please contact us at (732)858-6959. Our initial consultations are always free of cost.