Promoting / Soliciting Prostitution Attorney in Somerset County

Somerset County NJ Prostitution Lawyer

Have you been arrested for prostitution in Somerset County? If so, we strongly recommend that you speak to a criminal defense lawyer as soon as possible. Like everything else, the crime of prostitution has really advanced over the years. Now of days, websites like, and have become the places to go when it comes to soliciting a prostitute. In fact, it has become so well known over the years, that law enforcement will routinely operate their sting operations off those websites. With that being said, the prosecution tends to take these charges very seriously. Anytime law enforcement is forced to waste resources on setting up sting operations they tend insist that the cases be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. If you would like to speak to one of our criminal defense attorney about your options, then please contact us at 908.533.1064.

Charged with Prostitution in New Jersey?

Most of our clients accused of soliciting or promoting prostitution are also charged with trespassing, possession of marijuana under 50 gramspossession of cocainedisorderly conduct as well as resisting arrest. These are all very serious charges and if they are not defended properly, they could cause some serious consequences. At Keith Oliver Criminal Law, we fully comprehend the potential ramifications that someone faces when they are charged with a prostitution offense. As such, we are dedicated to making sure that no stone is left un-turned when it comes to defending our clients. Our office appears in courts throughout Somerset and Hunterdon County, including courts in towns like Clinton, SomervilleFlemingtonHillsborough, Raritan, Readington, Bridgewater, Bound Brook, South Bound Brook, Franklin, Union and Warren Township. To speak to one of our Hunterdon County criminal defense attorneys today, then please contact us at 908.533.1064.

Prostitution & Solicitation Charges: NJSA 2C:34-1

Unlike some of the surrounding states, New Jersey does not take prostitution charges lightly. Pursuant to NJSA 2C:34-1, prostitution is defined as the offer and/or acceptance to engage is some form of sexual activity with another in exchange for something of economic value. It is important to discuss here that the “exchange for something of economic value” does not have to be money. In other words, it can be just about anything. Some of the most common things we see outside of money is alcohol, drugs and transportation. It is also important to address the fact that the sex act in and of itself does not need to occur, a Defendant could be charged with soliciting prostitution simply for offering something of value for a sex act.

Is Prostitution a Felony in New Jersey?

Soliciting and/or promoting prostitution is considered an enhanceable offenses in New Jersey. Meaning, the penalties will drastically increase for any second or subsequent conviction. A first time offender will be facing what is known as a disorderly persons offense, which is New Jersey’s version of a misdemeanor. A Defendant charged with promoting or soliciting prostitution for a second or third time will be facing a fourth degree felony. Lastly, anyone charged with prostitution for a fourth or subsequent time will be facing a third degree felony.  So, the penalties can range from a fine all the way up to five (5) years in State Prison. This is just one of the many reasons that we strongly recommend that you speak to a criminal defense attorney as soon as possible. If you would like to learn more about this offense and potential defenses, please contact our office today at 908.533.1064. Our attorneys are available immediately for a free initial consultation.